Cross-curricular topics

Internet safety, Sexting and grooming
This tutorial is based upon CEOP's guidance in order to make young people aware of the dangers of the internet, grooming and sexting.
This lesson covers the following objectives:
1. Explain the dangers of Internet safety
2. Identify the laws that help control internet content
3. Use the materials in this presentation to produce a tutorial session on Internet safety.
Students will participate in discussion and research-based activities.

Supply Teacher/Cover Supervisor Bundle
There are a range of resources in this bundle which can be delivered to students of many abilities from 11-16. Some resources are also applicable to A-Level students. They cover; study skills, English and a range of PSHE/tutorial topics which require little planning.
The price of this bundle means that you are getting each resource for less than £1

This was originally delivered over 2, 3 hour lessons to Access to HE students.
There are activities including; types of abuse, accessible complaints procedures, serious case reviews and an activity where students have to design a new Health and Social Care Service compliant with safeguarding policy.
Please note that this lesson is aimed at adult learners who have some prior knowledge of safeguarding. Furthermore, learners are expected to work as independent learners in the same way that they will at university.
You will require computers for your students in order for them to do some independent research.

Health and Social Care
An excellent value bundle, saving 69%.
The bundle includes 9 topic areas and hours of activities for students in the following areas:
Anti-discriminatory Practice, Alternative and Complementary health Care, Communication, Community Care, End of Life Care, Ethics, Discriminatory Practices, Multi-Disciplinary Team Work.
Students will develop their ICT, Evluation, Research, Employability, English and Maths skills.

Community Care-Health and Social Care Provision
This lesson is aimed at developing students academic skills and giving them an overview into the various aspects of Community Care and why it is necessary considering the current state of the Health and Social Care system. This was originally delivered in two, 3 hour blocks, however can easily be adapted to work over several shorter lessons.
The lesson covers:
Overview of Community Care
Examples of Services
Primary and Intermediate Care
Real life examples with case studies
Day Centres
Home Care VS Hospital Care
Reducing Avoidable admissions
Self Management of Health Conditions
The activities which have been included for students are designed to prepare students for university e.g. writing literature reviews, investigative the effectiveness, evaluations, research and discussions.
References and Data used throughout.

Healthy Relationships Tutorial
In light of Valentines day, this is the ideal tutorial designed to get students to think for themselves about what is a healthy and an unhealthy relationship. Students will also discuss abuse and why abusive relationships can be difficult to break away from.
Students will partake in discussions and light activities which can be further examined with older or more mature student groups.
Advice provided to students on where they can go for support should they need it.

Queen Elizabeth II Sapphire Jubilee
This is a money saving bundle containing a full lesson (with student activities), a reading comprehension activity and a problem solving maths activity on Queen Elizabeth II Sapphire Jubilee and the lead up to her 90th Birthday next year.
This pack contains activities which embed British Values, English, Maths and ICT.

Queen Elizabeth II Saphire Jubilee Maths
This activity features problem solving questions/ number stories which are featured around a fictitious royal party:
Questions cover the following:
Elapsed Time
Measuring (Area)
The theme is based on the Queens Sapphire Jubilee and her upcoming 90th Birthday.

Queen Elizabeth II Sapphire Jubilee
This whole lesson is based on Queen Elizabeth II Sapphire Jubilee and provides students an opportunity to learn more about what a jubilee is, why this jubilee is so special, as well as entrepreneurial skills in planning an event, using their art and english skills to design a crown which depicts the Queen's life and other fun activities. Students will also be using the internet to help them to find facts and build upon their research and ICT skills.
This will build on their knowledge of the monarchy, Queen and the Royal Family as well as appreciating key British Values.

Sharia Law
An introductory lesson on Sharia Law aimed at A-Level or Gifted and Talented learners.
The lesson provides a basic overview of what is meant by Sharia Law and students undertake an activity about Aurangzeb.
There is a group presentation activity where students will be objectively looking at the portrayal of Sharia Law in the media/news and how it is represented. Students will also compare and contrast Sharia Law/views with Western views and ideals.

News, Current Issues, Media-Female Stereotypes-Dress Like a Woman, Trump
This lesson was inspired by the recent media coverage of Trump's comments to his employees regarding needing to "Dress like a woman'. This has lead to much debate on the news, internet, social media and so is a perfect opportunity to discuss why context matters when constructing an argument for or against an individuals comments, meaning of female and gender stereotyping.
This lesson enables students to voice their opinion in a safe environment, use debate skills to argue their viewpoint, research the meaning and context on the internet, discuss media influences on how events have been portrayed.
Students activities and extension activities have been included to provide an engaging session.
English skills, Equality & Diversity, British Values and Study Skills embedded throughout.
Applicable to a wide range of subjects.

Job Application Process
This bundle includes session plans, lesson resources and handouts to cover:
Application Forms
Employment Letter writing

This is is a full lesson with activities which goes over in detail interview preparation, how to prepare for 'killer' questions and interview techniques to name but a few. The PowerPoint lesson resource has detailed notes in the notes field to help with delivery. There is a session plan included which can be adapted to suit your organisations paperwork.
Aims and Objectives:
To identify what an interview is for
To identify some common questions
To know how to deal with a “Killer Question”
To identify why people aren’t successful at interview.
Full information handouts for students as well as a student self evaluation activity on interview skills have been provided also.

Applying for Jobs
This bundle contrains lessons, handouts and activities which cover the following aspects of applying for jobs:
Career Planning and Personal Skills Reviews
Conflict Management and Coping with Setbacks
Stress Awareness
Employability Skills Workshop
Employment Letter Writing
Knowing Where to Look for Jobs

Equality and Diversity in Society
A succinct resource which prepares students to debate the importance of equality and diversity within society, asking pertinent questions about whether these are the most importance principles or not. Students will also debate the negatives and intended positives of discrimination e.g. guaranteed interview schemes.
This will help students to work as part of a team and develop their skills in constructing arguments.

A range of lessons/resources which cover applying for jobs, what employability skills are and career planning.

Psychology/Mental Health
A range of full lessons on psychology and mental health. Applicable to A-Level, Health and Social Courses, Psychology Courses and Access to HE Courses.

Study Skills/Employability
This bundle is aimed at ages 16-Adults and covers essential aspects of most study skills/employment courses.
It can also be used for tutorials during the lead up to students applying for jobs or applying for university.
This bundle also includes presentation skills, career planning and personal SWOT Analyses.

This bundle features key tutorial topics surrounding bullying, drugs, employability, UCAS, alcohol, keeping healthy, radicalisation and more. It is aimed at 14-Adults.
There are numerous activities which include citizenship, values, english, maths, ICT and employability.